Staying Connected to Stay Safe: Boredom and Social Media Literacy in a High-Speed Society Tina Kendall 25 February 2022
From ‘996’, ‘Involution’, to ‘Lying Flat’: The Classed Discourse of Overwork and Over-Competition in High-Speed China Yanning Huang 31 January 2022
Hegemony of the Fad: Ephemerality, Reproduction and the Loss of Time for Thought on TikTok Ben Potter 23 January 2022
Running to Miss Nothing: Anxious Temporality and the Frustration of the (Un)limited Manuela Arruda Galindo Paula Sibilia 23 January 2022
The Times of Tinder: Perceptions of Intimacy in a Fast-Paced Dating Environment Leah Junck 23 January 2022
Insights on the Complex Interaction between Acceleration and Deceleration through the Analysis of White-Collar Employees’ Sleep Patterns and Time Pressure in Istanbul Emir Kurmuş 23 January 2022
Temporalities of Non-knowledge Production: Acceleration and Repetition in the Italian Asylum System Lorenzo Olivieri 23 January 2022
Understanding the Practice of ‘Mindless’ Scrolling on TikTok in the Context of Pandemic Life and Social Acceleration Andreas Schellewald 23 January 2022